My shop is an utter disaster. I cut out most of the parts for the digger a month ago and things went fine. Then I began digging in boxes and bins for accessories and layout tools. Next thing you know I've got crap everywhere and can't find anything when needed. I broke my bandsaw blade as well and then FINALLY, the weather turned to spring.
So I have put the digger on hold with parts ready to assemble while I plant the garden. That is going great. I am doing my vegetables in containers again. I did 24 hills of potatoes in bag gardens, a huge pot of carrots, 4 kinds of herbs in 10" pots and bought a dozen tomatoe plants. Last year I was more organized and did my tomatoes from seedling but with the snow and cold in April I failed to realize the time had arrived. Still, we should have a good harvest as long as the bucket brigade maintains it's vigilance. Container gardening produces massively but you have to be Johnny on the Spot with the rainwater or it's a bust.
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