The giveaways in identification are the clear pore tubes on the underside, the scabs on the stalk, and the orange cap. I sure wish I could find some king bolettes (Boletus Edulis) but no luck so far.
We also found a few other interesting ones under the spruce. I took some pictures and one sample but it didn't make it home in good enough condition to indentify. It's got the remnants of a veil and it's gilled so that's a starting point. My first guess is some kind of amanita.
These little guys are all over the stumps. I've no idea what they might be yet.
But the coolest find were three great yellow monsters all in a clump. It was great for identification to have one completely open and one just starting to open. The big one is 20 cm in diameter and stood 30 cm high. Quite a beast and striking in colour. Bright orangey yellow. I brought the three home and did a spore print on the medium size sample. The spores are white. The two open ones have annuli from the left overs of the veil and the small one had it's veil intact. All three had volvas. The scale of the mushroom shows clearly with my son in the background. He's become extremely interested in finding mushrooms and regularly asks when we'll go hunting again.
Here's a closeup of the annulus and gills. And a picture of my son in the yard showing off our finds.
Working through the key in my guide book I am pretty sure this is a large amanita. Keeping going on the key and noting the shape of the volva, scales on the cap, colour and size; I think they are Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric). Now these are NOT for eating. Supposedly they were used by the Lapps to cause visions. I think I'll skip that part. I have more than enough visions without herbal assistance. Rogers Mushrooms on Fly Agaric
So far I haven't eaten anything. I've got some stockpiles of aspen bolete in a jar. Some time soon I'll try out some recipes. It's sort of slow going since I'm doing this alone. I want to go on one of the forays with the Alberta Mycological Society when I get my membership. So far, the schedule hasn't worked for me.
There's fungus among us!
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